An anaglyph 3D photo print from Maximus Clarke’s FACE TO FACE series is featured in WITH THE KISSES OF THEIR MOUTH: EROS AND SPIRITUALITY, an exhibition of visual art at City Lore Gallery in New York City. The show, cosponsored by City Lore and Yiddish New York, will run through Jan. 31, 2019.
Many world traditions explore, often controversially, the connection between the sacred and the profane, including Shir HaShirim, the Song of Songs, a poem in Hebrew scripture. The exhibition explores a number of questions raised by the Song of Songs: Is the lover a person or the deity? Where do the physical and the spiritual body meet? What role does ecstasy play in the religious experience? Can it become the religious experience even in the absence of a defined religion?
Clarke’s image in the show, “There He Stands Looking Through The Lattice,” is a 3D photocollage that juxtaposes the artist’s photographs of the Appalachian mountains, cracked squares of sidewalk, and pairs of classical statues from the Metropolitan Museum. It is one in a series of four related images.