PARTY OF ONE is a stereoscopic 3D video meditation on unity and celebration. An image of the planet Earth, slowly rotating, is blended with an image of a disco ball, at the same scale and spinning in the same direction.
At the center of the screen, glinting mirrored tiles fade continually into a band of shadow, as clouds, oceans, and continents emerge on the other side. In the deep background behind the hybrid orb, a massive wall of dark veined marble looms enigmatically.
This simple 3D video composition was first shown at the “Masked Marvelous” gala in October 2018, celebrating Materials For The Arts‘ 40th anniversary as a New York City arts institution. Materials For The Arts build relationships with the city’s arts, culture and educational communities by teaching the value of creative reuse, and supplying an endless variety of donated materials for art-making. The goal is to make a larger impact on the global carbon footprint through sustainability practice in creativity.
PARTY OF ONE made its public debut at >ART OF LIGHT, an exhibition at the Center for the Holographic Arts‘ popup space on Canal Street in Manhattan, on May 16, 2019, as part of a celebration of the International Day of Light.