The video, designed to be viewed with red/blue 3D glasses, is a stop-motion animated sequence of dystopian propaganda posters floating into view, and being unfolded, flattened, and taped down by invisible hands. The poster illustrations come from U.S. Homeland Security disaster preparedness guides, while the slogans offer an ironic counterpoint to the graphics.
Over time, posters are taped atop other posters, strips of tape censor and alter slogans, and torn poster pieces recombine to create new messages. The 3D imagery suggests the flattening of discourse and thought under authoritarian rule, and the words and images reflect a descent into illogic, hatred, and violence.
NOTHING CAN TEAR US APART was presented at Hot Wood Arts in Brooklyn, NY, in 2017 and 2019; at the Governors Island Art Fair in 2017, accompanied by screen-printed posters; and at the LA 3D Movie Festival in 2019. A music video version was released in 2024, along with a four-track EP of electronic music.