Maxx Klaxon’s AUTHORITARIAN IDOL is an audiovisual mashup of pop, politics, and performance — using remixed words and images of presidential contenders to explore the collision of civic ritual and media spectacle that is the American electoral system.
This multimedia performance, first staged in 2008, has been updated and restaged every four years, at venues across the northeastern U.S. The 2016 version was presented in 3D.
Now it’s time once again to play the ultimate power game — but with a new twist. On Sunday, Nov. 1, AUTHORITARIAN IDOL’s signature blend of dark electropop, 3D visuals, and interviews with digitized politicians will be streamed to the entire world.
With in-person performance opportunities restricted by COVID-19, the 2020 edition of AUTHORITARIAN IDOL will be an online exclusive. 3D streams will be available in side-by-side format (for 3D TVs and VR headsets) and anaglyph format (viewable on any screen with red/blue 3D glasses).
The infotainment begins at 9:30pm ET, at