SLOTS is a projection-mapped video installation built around the concept of a slot machine, in which images are repeatedly combined to produce unpredictable results.

In SLOTS, conventional slot machine symbols are augmented with iconic depictions of human figures from the history of Western art. When a spin of the machine produces a winning combination, the “payout” is an interlude featuring one of various quotations. Textual sources include Andrei Tarkovsky, William Butler Yeats, a slot machine patent application, and Genesis chapter 28 — in which Jacob dreams of a ladder to heaven and a divine promise of prosperity.

The projection of slot machine imagery onto a set of stairs juxtaposes the repetitive, contained futility of the gambling device with the functional, hierarchical structure of the stairway. Among the questions raised: Is the art world a set of steps that the artist can credibly climb to achieve success and significance, or just a game of chance, in which arbitrary forces hold sway, and everything is rigged?

SLOTS was first presented as a site-specific installation in 2012 at Radiator Gallery in Long Island City, Queens, New York. A freestanding version was presented in 2014 at the Governors Island Art Fair.