Almost every facet of our existence is now subject to government and corporate surveillance and data mining systems. To them, we exist only as sets of quantified information — not as living beings. Maximus Clarke’s RENDER installation depicts human personhood under the reifying gaze of this new panopticon.
On each of the 3 screens built into the vault-like structure, images of a woman and a man appear in stereoscopic 3D. As they are analyzed from all angles, their individual selves and their relationship are gradually rendered into grids of abstract data.
After developing RENDER during a summer residency at the Center for the Holographic Arts, Clarke assembled the piece in a subterranean chamber at historic Fort Jay, where it will go on view this weekend as part of the 8th annual Governors Island Art Fair. The installation, along with other works, will be open to the public on weekend days in September, between 11am and 5pm.